Need professional assistance?
Create your film in collaboration with the Not Forgotten film team, in-home or virtually.

Schedule a conversation with our Film Team online or on-location.
Meet our Film Team
A certified professional Videographer will conduct the interview, provide a full edit of your video and submit it to Not Forgotten.
Storytelling Tools
Access teleprompters, templates, interview guides and a Film Team for expert assistance.

Record & Upload
After you have recorded or uploaded your video segments to the editing team we will process the video for the final export.
Add Multimedia
Use the uploader to drag and drop all of your multimedia into your archive from your computer, cloud storage or smartphone.

Multiple vivid and memorable ways to record meaningful moments, in-app, online or via our film team of professional videographer, for the future.
Record or schedule a filming

Online interviews are held on a high-definition filming platform for improved archive quality. Click the link from your email or text and enter the interview with your chosen film maker.
Instant access to a professional interviewer
Not Forgotten Library
Our library status enable us to create legitimate library records accessible via our online library.

WorldCat Registry
Archives are cataloged and their library records reproduced on the World Cat - the world's largest single library catalog.

International Time Capsule Society
Archives are registered with the International Time Capsule Society and mapped to your location of choice.

Optional Blockchain Smart Contract
An optionally record of your Archive can be recorded onto the Ethereum blockchain via a smart contract.

Upload your own production or hire an award winning Not Forgotten videographer to pull it all together in a beautiful edit.
Leave the editing to us
Submit archive and add to your collection

Record your story, special moments and more with an Archive Videos
See how Not Forgotten keeps digital files alive for generations.
Gold Standard
Not Forgotten adheres to preservation policy standards set forth by the U.S. Library of Congress, the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, and WITNESS.
NotForgotten is aligned with the goals outlined in the Open Archival Information Systems (OAIS) Reference Model (ISO 14721:2003).
Catalogs and records are maintained in a ISO- 27001 certified data repository system.

Stopping Digital Decay
All digital media will suffer data rot and it can start to set in within two years. To fight this, all copies of your legacy are actively monitored for natural decay.
When it is discovered a new copy is produced from the masters so at all time three "data rot" free healthy copies of your legacy are safely maintained.

Format Updates
Format obsolescence is the biggest killer of legacies. As technologies become redundant, a legacy can quickly become inaccessible - even in a persons single lifetime.
The Digital Preservation Trust will support your legacy product hundreds of years into the future - updating technology so your legacy format is always relevant.
This means families will be able to view a digital file regardless of what long forgotten media it was produced on in 2021.

Going Private
In the event that you elect to make your video private, you will be provided with a link to download your video shortly after completion of editing, which will be available for a limited window of time.